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First-Class Grooming Services

a freshly groomed West Highland Terrier wearing a bandana

Spa Experiences

Prices vary by breed, size, coat condition, temperament, and desired services. Ear plucking and gland expression included upon request.

Puppy Deluxe Bath

A warm bath, blow dry, nail trim, ear cleaning, brush out, trim up of paw pads, and sanitary areas (5 months and under).

Puppy Basic Groom

Everything in the puppy deluxe bath plus face trim (5 months and under).

Deluxe Bath

A warm bath, blow dry, nail trim, ear cleaning, brush out, trim up of paw pads, and sanitary areas.

Basic Groom

Everything in the deluxe bath plus either face or feather trim.

Deluxe Groom

Everything in the deluxe bath plus all-over haircut of your choice, depending on coat condition.

Add-on Upgrades to a Bath or Groom

**All prices are subject to change**

Upgraded Shampoo | $7
Choice of Hypo-Allergenic, Oatmeal, Whitening, or Dandruff.

Flea and Tick Package | $10
Instant itch relief spray and medicated flea and tick shampoo.

Deodorizing Treatment | $19
An odor neutralizing spray and shampoo that helps eliminate dirty dog odor or skunk spray.

Blueberry Spa | $19
Blueberry shampoo that helps lift and remove stains, moisturizing conditioner, paw pad scrub, and bandanna.

Blueberry Spa Plus | $31
Blueberry shampoo that helps lift and remove stains, moisturizing conditioner, paw pad scrub, nail grind, tooth brushing, and bandanna.

Freshen Up Package | $21
Upgraded shampoo of your choice, conditioner, teeth brushing/ breath freshener, and bow or bandanna.

Top Paw Package | $19
Upgraded shampoo of your choice, conditioner, nail grinding, and bow or bandanna.

Works Package | $27
Upgraded shampoo of your choice, conditioner, teeth brushing/breath freshener, nail grinding, and bow or bandanna.

Furminator De-shed Package | Prices vary by size
Furminator brand shampoo and conditioner with Omega 3 fatty acids that helps reduce shedding and promote healthy skin and coat. 15 extra minutes of brushing. When done every 4-6 weeks can reduce your dog’s shedding by up to 90%.

Upgraded Therapeutic Shampoos | $10
Wash microorganisms that lead to skin conditions caused by bacteria, yeast, and fungi down the drain, combined with colloidal oatmeal that helps to soothe and moisturize irritated skin.

Upgraded Ultra Plenish Conditioner | $7
Protein-enriched with silk amino acids that help repair damaged coats and will add body and shine to any coat.

Al la Carte

**All prices are subject to change**

Collar Washing | $5
Ear Cleaning | $13
Gland Expression | $13
Nail Grind | $18
Nail Grind and Ear Cleaning Package | $23
Nail Pawlish | $15
Teeth Brushing | $12

Nail Trim | $15
Nail Trim and Ear Cleaning Package | $21

Pawdicure Package | $24
Nail grind, paw pad trim, and ear cleaning.

Pawdicure Plus Package | $33
Nail grind, tooth brushing, paw pad trim, and ear cleaning.

Spa Policies

Late Policy
We do not accept dogs more than 15 minutes late to their appointment unless approved by the groomer and a $15 late fee will be applied.

No Show Policy
Our no-show policy states if appointments are missed without notice, a service fee of 75% of your estimated groom will be charged and a non-refundable deposit will be charged to book your next appointment. Future missed appointments will result in a forfeit of your deposit.

Our Pledge
Your visit to Ames Pet Resort should be a pleasant, safe, and stress-free experience for you and your pet. We strive hard to never let you down. If we ever disappoint you, please let us know within 2 days so that we can fix our shortcoming. Love something we do? Tell the world!

Cancellation Policy
We require a 24-hour cancellation notice on all appointments. Less than 24 hours notice will be counted as a Same-Day cancellation and a service fee of 50% of your estimated groom will be charged. Frequent same-day cancellations will require a deposit in order to book your next appointment. Future missed appointments will result in a forfeit of your deposit.

Vaccination Policy
Ames Pet Resort requires all dogs and cats over 4 months of age to be current on rabies and distemper. Bordetella vaccine is recommended but not required for dogs. Feline leukemia vaccine is recommended but not required for cats. All prices are subject to change.

We Take Proper Care of Your Pet Just Like You Do

Schedule an appointment today for your pet training, boarding, daycare, or grooming needs.